Hello! How is your heart these days? Have you had any surprising moments of joy? I was subbing in a school recently for 4th grade. A few of the students were talking softly before the second bell and glancing in my direction. As I listened I heard…”Well, she smells good and she’s playing music, so I like her.” I had to turn to keep from smiling too big. They were a great group and a definite moment of joy for me that day. If you feel like commenting, I would love to hear what has been happening for you.
I recently made the choice to make this publication one that you can subscribe to for free and also for those of you able, to subscribe monetarily. I was hesitant at first to do this, but after talking with a couple of friends and reading others’ posts about just this, I decided to do it. While I do want anyone and everyone to be able to read, I also know that there are folks that can, will, and do pay for publications just like mine. The amount of time and effort I put into each post can amount to days and sometimes weeks.
If you are reading this publication and are finding it to be something that gives you something in return (warm fuzzy feelings in your heart space, book recommendations, thought-provoking questions for you to ponder, amazing music to dance to, a bit of laughter in your day), I am asking that you consider becoming a paid subscriber. By doing so, you will help me to know that what I am writing is worthwhile, helpful, and generative to your own growth. You will help me to keep spending my time doing this work and helping others who may not be able to pay, to continue to read. Also, tied into this, is the podcast. If you listen there, you would also be helping me by subscribing here too.
The next publication will be out this Sunday. Thanks for your time and consideration. Peace and Blessings!